
Culture, Tips

Very Clean and Comfortable Japanese Toilets

One of the things that concerns me when traveling abroad is the cleanliness of the restrooms. Japanese toilets are said to be relatively clean compared to those in other countries. This article presents several unique features compared to foreign toilets. High-tech toilet seats Japanese toilets are characterized by high-tech features such as Washlet (warm-water washing

Foods, Tips, Travel

Best App to Find Restaurants: Tabelog

When you are traveling, the number of meals is limited. I want you to have a delicious meal at every meal. Therefore, I will introduce the best app for finding good restaurants. Japanese people actually use this app. Tabelog The name of the food log application is “Tabelog”.https://s.tabelog.com/en/The following is a written explanation of how


Recommended Areas to Stay

You may be wondering where to stay when sightseeing in Osaka. I have selected the areas I will introduce hereafter, focusing on areas that are easily accessible from Osaka’s sightseeing spots. I will now divide the list into the Shin-Osaka (新大阪) area, Osaka/Umeda(大阪/梅田) area, Shinsaibashi/Namba (心斎橋/難波) area, and Tennoji (天王寺) area, and introduce their features!

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