The Osaka dialect is full of unique and fascinating phrases and sayings.
Some of you may study Japanese when you come to Japan, but I would like you to study Osaka dialects as well when you come to Osaka. If you can speak Osaka dialects, you may get better service from people in Osaka! In this article, I will introduce some of the most famous Osaka-ben phrases in a ranking format.
Meaning: “Why?” or “What are you talking about?”
It’s used to express surprise or disbelief, often when someone says something unexpected or unreasonable. This phrase is very well known in the Osaka dialect and is one of the most frequently used phrases in daily life. It is basically used in casual and friendly conversation. It is commonly used between friends, family members, or when making light jokes.
Meaning: “No good” or “Not allowed.”
It’s used to say something is bad, wrong, or impossible. This is a useful phrase for a variety of situations.
There are four main ways to use it
・Expressing refusal or denial
・Indicates that a situation is not going well
・To warn or caution
・Expressing mild surprise or dismay
Because of its many meanings, it may be difficult to use until you get used to it.
Meaning: “Thank you” or “Thanks a lot.”
It is often used to express gratitude in daily life, but is not often heard in other regions such as Tokyo, and is unique to the Kansai region. It is an expression that can be used casually in everyday conversation. It is especially used in conversations with friends, family, acquaintances, etc., and at stores. You will hear it frequently in conversations with people in Osaka. By using it, you will be able to have more natural conversations.
Meaning: “How much is it?”
It is mainly used in the sense of “How much? is used to ask about the price or cost of something, or to ask about the cost or price of something else. It is used when asking about the price of something, or when you want to confirm the cost or cost. It is widely known as one of the characteristic phrases of the Kansai region, and is used when shopping or asking about prices. It can be used in casual conversation and is very useful in everyday situations.
Meaning: “Really” or “Seriously.”
It is used for emphasis or confirmation of what the other person has said or done. or surprise about what the other person has said or what has happened. It is especially used when you hear something unbelievable or unexpected. It is a natural way to add emotion to a conversation. The phrase is very common in the Kansai region and is often heard in conversation, especially with friends and family.
These expressions are some of the most popular and commonly used in Osaka, and they reflect the city’s friendly and often humorous character. If you visit Osaka or interact with locals, you’ll likely hear these phrases frequently. Please try to use them!